
The weakest point in this whole profit sharing concept is the fact that it in the end relies on the actual target project website or application to truthfully report relevant purchase transactions back ProfitShare.ninja. What if they don't? Then you are promoting someone for free, right? Well, don't worry. We have implemented a facility to make anyone think twice about even contemplating doing something like that. Every promoter can make a test call to the target project and confirm that the transaction have been reported. If not, a failed test is recorded and a severe rating penalty is applied to the project's rating, making it less or not at all attractive to any promoters. Such behaviour would be self-defeating for the project owner.

How testing works

This is how testing works: You go to your account page and in the section called "Promotion stats" scroll to the table titled "Promoted projects". There, you select the project for which you want to start a new test and in the "My tests" column click the blue circle with a white plus sign in it. That will open a page that requires you to enter an email address that you will use to register with on the target website that you are testing. This email should be one that you have not previously used for a test of that particular project. It would be OK and actually great if you used it for an actual purchase. Using a unique, previously not used email will ensure that the target system has no way of knowing that this is a test. Otherwise, if the project owner intended to deceive, they could store all the email addresses used for a test previously and respond differently, than they would if they did not know. Even if you do not have more than one email address available, it is easy enough to create one using one of the hundreds free web-based email services. There are also services that let you create a temporary email address valid for just a few minutes or hours, designed specifically for cases like this, when you need a new unique email address only temporarily.

Once you enter your new test email and click the big "Continue to the site" button, you will be taken to the target website the same way any of your customers would be. You need to register with them and purchase something... Yes, you will need to use your real credit card but don’t worry, the project owner had agreed to implement our API and will refund the whole purchase price as soon as the payment is processed. This is the only way to truly verify that a paid transaction is reported. If you are not the first tester of that particular project and the "Problems with refund" statistics on the test page reports 0, you have no real reason to worry as someone has done this successfully before.

If you ARE the first tester then the worst that could happen would be that you would have to request the refund through your bank and the project owner would be charged a chargeback fee, which is usually between 20 to 30 dollars and no project owner in their right mind wants that. We would be able to confirm to your bank that the project owner agreed with the refund even before the transaction happened. Basically, if a business decides to participate in ProfitShare.ninja they do it because they want to spread their products or services and cheating in any way would cost them reputation and money. You as a promoter are risking nothing at all.

Apart from the "Problems with refund" there are stats on the number of successful and unsuccessful tests and a link to explore all the results in more detail on the test page.

Once you finish the actual test you are required to record your satisfaction with it. If the transaction was successfully reported to ProfitShare.ninja your only options will be to set the result as "OK" or "OK - Problem with refund". You can also report a problem with the refund later as you will usually not know right away of such a fact. You will also be required to rate the result of the test. Check the amount of the transaction that has been reported to us as well as the profit that the target website reported it had from that transaction. If the reported amount equals exactly to the amount you actually paid and the reported amount of profit is within the expected range, you are expected to rate the test with 5 stars. If, however, the reported profit is considerably less than what can be expected based on the description of that type of transaction on the project details page, then you may want to award less than 5 stars to the test. In that case you are expected to write the reason into the "Tester notes" box, so that the project owner as well as others know why the rating is lower.

Dialog with the project owner

The project owner may respond to a lower rating and your note with an explanation. If you consider it sufficient then you may change the rating to a higher one and possibly perform a new test and buy a different product or service this time. Maybe the first time you just managed to buy a product on a special. Please do increase the rating in these cases as a rating lower than 4 stars affects the project's overall rating.

Unjust test result ratings may be disputed and if you are found to attempt to damage the reputation of a project unjustifiably, you may be banned from ProfitShare.ninja and any unpaid profit shares frozen.

Unfinished tests

If you fail to record a result of a test within two weeks, you are prompted by email. If you ignore these requests to finalize your test(s) these tests will be finalized automatically. All tests for which we received a callback from the target site reporting your transaction will be finalized as OK with 5 star rating. All test for which we did not receive a callback will be cancelled as in that case the system cannot know if you actually went through with it and made an actual purchase on the target site.

In case of disputes where you report a failed test and the project owner says that in fact no transaction happened, we perform our own tests to verify the real current state of things.

Another type of test

Listed projects are required to store email addresses of all potential customers if an email address is reported to them in the redirection link even if the customer does not register with them at the time. Then, if she does at any later point arriving to that project's website directly (that is not through your referral link), the project is required to report all purchase transactions the same as if she registered straight away. This can be tested by checking the "Pass the email address to the target site" and then, after browsing a couple of pages leaving without registering. You then return to the site later (a few hours or days later), register using that email address and make a purchase. Our system will still know that this was a test and will report it as such to the target project after it receives a transaction report from it. So the result will be the same as from a direct test.